Saturday, February 6, 2016

Gurin Professional Rechargeable Water Flosser Review

I purchased this product at a discount, not free, for my honest review. All opinions and images are my own. This post may contain affiliate links. Disclosure statement.

Don't you hate flossing your teeth? It's literally one of the things I hate most to do. I can never find a type of floss that works well with my gums, doesn't cause them to bleed, and hurt.  I had the opportunity to review this Water Flosser by Gurin, and decided to see how it works.

Let me tell you, it hurts.  At least it does me.  I know it's because I don't take good enough care of my teeth and gums, so I am trying to start now with this handy gadget.
It makes a mess. I'm not gonna lie, it does.  Before you turn it on, put it in your mouth.
THEN turn it on, and I highly recommend using the "soft" function, because even on "soft" it hurts my gums.  I try to outline my teeth with the water flosser, and I can feel it going between my gums, and teeth. It is definitely effective, and worth continuing to do.

I've been skipping days to try to give my gums a break because it does hurt.  They'll toughen up soon, so I am sticking with it.  No doubt about it, it sure beats using floss, and not to mention floss is stinky to use after you are pulling gunk out of your teeth. It gets on your fingertips, and hands, and it's just gross!  With this machine, it's all hands off.  Nothing gets on your hands except maybe a bit of water depending on how you hold it.

Now, the only thing that really irks me about this machine is having to refill it numerous times. I refill it at least 3 times, but sometimes as much as 5.  It's probably because I'm still not used to it yet, but I barely get my front teeth all done before it turns off.  Then I refill, do one side top and bottom, and then refill and do the other side top and bottom.  Sometimes, I go back over all of my teeth again, especially the front ones.

It's easy to recharge, you just plug it into the cable, and charge it overnight.  I have not had to recharge it just yet, so I am not sure how many times I can use it without recharging it.  It seems to still have strong power, and I've used it at least 9 times, so, maybe once a week charging, possibly once every two weeks. 

It does come with 2 flosser heads, so if you want to share it with someone, they can have their own.  It does say to let it dry between uses, so I try to shake it all out of the reservoir, and I keep the little flap open as well to allow air to get in.

If you'd like to read more information on this water flosser by Gurin, please click on the image at the top or bottom of this post. Thank you for stopping by!

 I purchased this product at a discount, not free, for my honest review. All opinions and images are my own. This post may contain affiliate links. Disclosure statement.

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